I was just reading Romans 13: 8 and it really helped me with this inspiration to write this blog entry. Verse 8 says Why is love for others called debt? We are permanently in debt to Christ for the lavish love he has poured out upon us. The only way we can even begin to repay this debt is by fulfilling our obligation to love others in return. Since Christ's love will always be infinitely greater than ours, we will always have the obligation to love our neighbors as ourselves. So, during this past week in California, I received a nail from Sheila Schuller. This nail is a sign for a definite new beginning and definite new life. This nail is proof that Jesus is still alive today and loving all of us unconditionally. He paid for all of our debt and that remains true to us christians today. We need to continue to remain true to God and true to ourselves. We must all keep our promises and fulfill them as we should anyway. We need to change our ways drastically. There are certain people out there, who still haven't changed their ways at all whatsoever and they desperately need to. As soon as they do, they are promised eternal life with God and his son, Jesus. When in California, I realized how beautiful God's creations are. I spent a lot of time taking in all of the scenes. There was also a lot of time spent thinking through everything. With realization, there's a certain someone that I really miss spending time with. But sadly, things won't work out between us. So, yeah it's time to move on to bigger and better things. There's many good memories involved with this certain person. Well,May God Bless him greatly because he really deserves it! Anyway, sorry to get off track here, lets get back to the main subject of this blog, which is Debt. This question is constantly running through my mind. Why is love for others called a debt? Well the answer to that is this, sadly there are certain people in this world who lack love for others which is quite sad actually. Even though God loves us all unconditionally, I can imagine how sad it is for God to see so many people in this world, not acting and loving the way they should. Honestly,I wish that tons of people would come to God because God can really change their lives instantly, they just need to let God in first, and after that's done, God takes care of the rest. We all must fully rely on God, Depend on God, and Lean on God for everything happening whether good or bad in our lives because God is the one responsible for every little thing happening in our lives. Actually, it's mainly God and ourselves being held responsible for these things happening in our lives. Life is not always fun and it's not always easy, but no matter how good or bad things get, God will always provide and will always help. It may not always be on time, but trust in the Lord and things will work out. It's sad seeing so many people walking around all stressed out and anxious for no reason at all. There truly is no reason for us to be walking around all stressed out and anxious. If we have God, then everything's going to be okay. So, we shouldn't have to be worried and whatnot especially about the littlest things going on in life. If things don't work out the way we wanted them too, then we shouldn't be mad, we should be glad because God has something bigger and better planned for all of us, God's way always makes things better than any of us could have ever imagined! So, we should be thankful and praising the Lord for all that he's doing for us! This is the day that the Lord has made, so let us rejoice and be glad in it! Keep smiling because you never know who is the one falling in love with your smile. To close this blog entry, I'd like you all to say a prayer of thanksgiving with me "Dear Lord, we'd like to thank you for all that you've done for us and will continue to do for us, none of us deserve it, but because you love us, we are worthy to receive your blessings and many gifts that you have for us. We are worthy to be in heaven with you, we are all of great value to you. Thank you, Lord we love you Amen and Amen!" May God bless you all forever and ever, Amen.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Our Debt To Pay
I was just reading Romans 13: 8 and it really helped me with this inspiration to write this blog entry. Verse 8 says Why is love for others called debt? We are permanently in debt to Christ for the lavish love he has poured out upon us. The only way we can even begin to repay this debt is by fulfilling our obligation to love others in return. Since Christ's love will always be infinitely greater than ours, we will always have the obligation to love our neighbors as ourselves. So, during this past week in California, I received a nail from Sheila Schuller. This nail is a sign for a definite new beginning and definite new life. This nail is proof that Jesus is still alive today and loving all of us unconditionally. He paid for all of our debt and that remains true to us christians today. We need to continue to remain true to God and true to ourselves. We must all keep our promises and fulfill them as we should anyway. We need to change our ways drastically. There are certain people out there, who still haven't changed their ways at all whatsoever and they desperately need to. As soon as they do, they are promised eternal life with God and his son, Jesus. When in California, I realized how beautiful God's creations are. I spent a lot of time taking in all of the scenes. There was also a lot of time spent thinking through everything. With realization, there's a certain someone that I really miss spending time with. But sadly, things won't work out between us. So, yeah it's time to move on to bigger and better things. There's many good memories involved with this certain person. Well,May God Bless him greatly because he really deserves it! Anyway, sorry to get off track here, lets get back to the main subject of this blog, which is Debt. This question is constantly running through my mind. Why is love for others called a debt? Well the answer to that is this, sadly there are certain people in this world who lack love for others which is quite sad actually. Even though God loves us all unconditionally, I can imagine how sad it is for God to see so many people in this world, not acting and loving the way they should. Honestly,I wish that tons of people would come to God because God can really change their lives instantly, they just need to let God in first, and after that's done, God takes care of the rest. We all must fully rely on God, Depend on God, and Lean on God for everything happening whether good or bad in our lives because God is the one responsible for every little thing happening in our lives. Actually, it's mainly God and ourselves being held responsible for these things happening in our lives. Life is not always fun and it's not always easy, but no matter how good or bad things get, God will always provide and will always help. It may not always be on time, but trust in the Lord and things will work out. It's sad seeing so many people walking around all stressed out and anxious for no reason at all. There truly is no reason for us to be walking around all stressed out and anxious. If we have God, then everything's going to be okay. So, we shouldn't have to be worried and whatnot especially about the littlest things going on in life. If things don't work out the way we wanted them too, then we shouldn't be mad, we should be glad because God has something bigger and better planned for all of us, God's way always makes things better than any of us could have ever imagined! So, we should be thankful and praising the Lord for all that he's doing for us! This is the day that the Lord has made, so let us rejoice and be glad in it! Keep smiling because you never know who is the one falling in love with your smile. To close this blog entry, I'd like you all to say a prayer of thanksgiving with me "Dear Lord, we'd like to thank you for all that you've done for us and will continue to do for us, none of us deserve it, but because you love us, we are worthy to receive your blessings and many gifts that you have for us. We are worthy to be in heaven with you, we are all of great value to you. Thank you, Lord we love you Amen and Amen!" May God bless you all forever and ever, Amen.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
I was just reading Jeremiah 31, and a lot of what was said in it, I understand entirely what God is trying to tell me. In verse 22 it's saying that God's promises reflect a turnaround in the land when God rules. The weaker partner will surround and sustain the stronger one. God will provide for everyone's safety. In verses 29 and 30 it's saying that the people tried to blame God's judgement on the sins of their parents. One person's sin does indeed affect other people, but all the people are still held personally accountable for the sin in their own lives. Now these 2 bible verses, I can really relate to about sin. I used to be full of sin and rebellion and I absolutely hated myself for the way I used to act. I made too many bad decisions with everything, and honestly I regret them. I wish that things could have been a lot different with me back then. I should have obeyed and listened more, to this day, I still don't listen fully, but I know that I should. Especially where certain people are concerned. I wish I could have been a lot wiser back then, but thankfully, I'm slightly wiser now. So,I tried to blame things on other people even though it wasn't their fault to begin with, it was mine. I was so young and stupid, I truly do wish that things were different back then. But anyway, there's no use in dwelling on the past now, it's time to forget my past and move on completely with my life and on to much bigger and better things. I thank God everyday for having mercy on me through the good times and bad ones too. In verse 33 it says " God would inscribe his law upon their hearts rather than upon tablets of stone as they were in the 10 commandments. In 17: 1 their sin was inscribed on their hearts so that they wanted above all to disobey. This change seems to describe an experience very much like the new birth- and God is taking the initiative. When we turn our lives over to God he, by his holy spirit, builds into us the desire to obey him." Now this verse is so true in my life, because as soon as I gave my life to God, everything immediately changed in my life. I got a new job that I like and I've been there for a year so far, and I still like it. Also since my nephew's come into my life, I have been a pretty happy person. He always brings such joy, happiness,life, and light into my life. I find myself laughing more and smiling more, and definitely talking more. Also, there's so many good things happening in my life and I'm so glad and thankful for it all. My photography has excelled, my writing has become much better and stronger as well, etc. It's like when I'm photographing all these nature photos, that is when I'm happiest, and it's so much fun too. I love it! Some of the photos that I have taken came out amazingly beautiful and I'm very impressed with them. I feel at peace with my nature photos. It also makes me feel good to bring out all the beauty in the world that God has made, in spite of all the ugliness going on in this world at this very moment. This world needs so much help and it definitely needs God again. I can't wait until God comes back, so many people won't know what to think or do or anything really. They'll all be standing in complete awe of him. Anyway, sorry to get off topic here. Lets go back to what I was writing about. In verse 33 it is telling us that the old covenant has been broken by people, but will be replaced with a brand new covenant. The foundation of this new covenant is Christ. It is revolutionary, involving not only Israel and Judah, but even the Gentiles. It offers a unique personal relationship with God himself, with his laws inscribed on individuals' hearts instead of on stone. Jeremiah looked forward to the day when Jesus would come to establish this covenant. But for us today, the covenant is already here. We have the wonderful opportunity to make a fresh start and establish a permanent, personal relationship with God. I have already made my fresh start, have you? In verses 35-37 it's saying that God has the power to do away with the laws of nature or even to do away with his people. But he will do neither. This is not a prediction, but a promise. It is God's way of saying he will not reject Israel any more than he will do away with nature's laws. Neither will Happen! God always keeps his promises, we just need to have tons of faith in him and he will meet each and every one of our needs. In verses 38-40 it's saying that these points mark the boundaries of restored Jerusalem in the days of Nehemiah. Gareb and Goath are unknown. The graveyard and ash dump probably refer to the valley of the son of Hinnom, where children were sacrificed in pagan worship. That verse doesn't please me at all, but I had to write about it to get my point across to people about how horrible some people in this world are to their children and pets and whatnot. Thinking about all of that, makes me so sad and makes me wish that I could do something to help. But all I can do is pray and be persistent and keep the faith and stay strong. The whole point of this blog is to know that God will always keep his promises even though it doesn't always seem like he's there to help you through things, but the truth is that God is always there to help you through things, he's just working behind the scenes and like I always say, God works in mysterious ways. So keep the faith and stay strong, God will never let you down. If anything, he'll pick you right back up and set you on the right path to your future with him. To conclude this blog entry, I'd like for you to say a quick prayer with me for those who need him most. " Dear Lord, please protect and bless those who need you the most in their lives. Lord, I want you to show those in need How great you really can be and are in their lives. Thank you, Lord. I love you, Amen."
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