Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lack of Faith

"Believe, ask God for a "mighty work" in your life, and expect him to act. Look with the eyes of faith." ~Matthew 13: 58. This bible verse occurred to me while I was reading my devotionals the other night and I decided to write my thoughts and reflections on it, so in here, I'd like to share with you all my thoughts and reflections on it. Here goes: "Lord, my thoughts and reflections on the above bible verse, is the fact that, I'm trying to believe, but it can be incredibly difficult sometimes, and sometimes I wish that I felt differently about certain things. Lord, I'm not perfect and never will be. All I can really do is to be a better and more improved version of myself, even though it's a major challenge a lot of the time. I'd really like to change that, but how can I change that,Lord? Honestly, Lord, I really have no idea on how to go about doing that, I really don't. I need your help, Lord, please help, thank you, Lord, I love you, amen!"
Jesus did few miracles in his hometown "because of their unbelief." Lack of faith blinds people to the truth and robs them of hope. These people missed the Messiah. How does your faith measure up? If you can't see God's work, perhaps it is because of your unbelief. Now, I couldn't agree more with that written statement because there was many times before where I was blinded by my disbelief and couldn't see or do what God wanted me to do back then, but then I came to God a few years later and my blinders were taken off and I could see almost everything, but still to this day, I feel like i'm still blinded by certain things. So, what I do is keep reading all of my devotionals and keep praying to God, so that I will no longer be blinded. I want to be able to see everything that God has planned for me, but sadly, I cannot. But then again, if God showed me everything that he has planned for me, then there would be absolutely no point in reading devotionals and talking to God about the devotionals and things in general.
Without God, none of this would be possible, and also without God, none of us would be here today talking about him and fighting for him with other Christians, and to reach out to those who aren't Christians yet, but can be as soon as possible. They all just need to stop being so stubborn and they need to let God come completely into all of their lives and give him all the control. The sooner that they give up all of their control, the better off they will all be,and they will no longer be blinded by all of their stupid disbelief about God. They need a serious reality check and they need to look and depend on God for every little thing that goes on in all of their lives, no matter how good or bad it might be. No matter how bad or difficult things might get, they need to rely on God and look at him with faithful eyes. It is just so sad to me, to see other people walking around here acting like they have no hope,and that they act as if there is no God. There are so many times where I have been so tempted to get out of the car and smack them upside the head to help make them realize that there's more to life than just walking around and feeling hopeless,and lonely. I've been there before and trust me, it wasn't fun. It was horrible!
There were so many days that I've woken up and said to myself, "man, this day is going to suck, God help me!" Know what I mean? Sometimes I still have days like that,and wish that I could stay in bed all day and sleep, but God wouldn't let me sleep, he wanted me to get up and out to preach the good news about God to all of the others who are feeling sad and hopeless, just like I once was. But God has changed my life for the better and I can only hope and pray that others lives will be touched and changed by God, like mine has been. Thank you,Lord, I love you, Amen! Goodnight and God bless all!
