Tuesday, November 26, 2013

This is a poem I'd like to share with you all

We furry ones want to thank God above
for the human hands that show us love.
For the loving hands that stroke our backs,
rub our bellies and give us snacks.

For once we were afraid and alone.
No one to love us, no place to call home.
Some lived in the street, looking in trash
for food to eat.

Some of us had humans who used to hit.
We trembled in corners afraid of it.
But someone reached in and touched
our paw, held us in their arms
and that old life was no more.

They worked with us and loved us through,
showed us something that we never knew.
That humans could be gentle, loving and
kind and if we were naughty, they didn't mind

Because they knew we were acting as fur
kids do and didn't mind that their home
was a zoo.

Somehow these humans looked in our
eyes, seeing the life that to them was a

Our spirits may have been broken,
battered and bent, but we responded
to the love that was heaven sent.

So this Thanksgiving Day, we thank
God above, put our paws together
and thank him for the love.

(c) Heidi A. Dietrich
(Dictated by the kitties of course!)

(This is for all the hoomans who lub furry children and have given us homes! We lub you!)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Christmas Wishes

Good afternoon everyone,
   This blog will be a bit different than any of my previous blogs.  I hope that you'll enjoy it as much as I will.  Now this idea came to me last night when I was updating my Christmas Wish List.  I know, I know, it's still a little early to be thinking of Christmas, but it'll be here before you know it and then it will be gone in the blink of an eye like always.
       This is the Bible Verse I chose to go with this blog, even though the outcome of it will be the exact opposite as to what you were expecting from this.  "And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."  ~Luke 2:7.  I just want you all to remember that, "Jesus is the reason for the season."  None of us really need all these materialistic things that we write down on our Christmas lists every year.  Yes, they're great, but do they really make you happy? Probably not like Jesus does.  Anyway, here's my idea of a very unique Christmas list that doesn't have all of these materialistic items on it.  

1.) How about good health for those that are so sick and suffering every single day of their lives.  I wish I could give my dad a new pair of lungs, but I can't, only Jesus can do that.  He's the great healer and physician.
2.) How about reconciliation for all broken relationships all over the world? That would be great right?  Yes, it would be.  It takes one person to make one simple difference in the world, so maybe you should all try it sometime. Agreed? Yes, I think so.  Today's a new day, and good for new beginnings.  Just go do it! You'll feel better once you do it.
3.) How about world peace?  We all want that, but sadly it won't happen until Jesus comes back one day soon.
4.) Revival.  I would love to see revival all over the world and in all kinds of different churches and states.  We Christians need to work together and make that happen as soon as possible, don't you think so? Yes?  I say, yes indeed.
5.) How about feeding the hungry? That would be great too, wouldn't it? Well, guess what, you are that one person to make that one difference in this struggling world.  In the Bible it says that " You can change the world by one act of random kindness at a time."  It would be an absolute miracle to see everybody all over the world share their act of random kindness with everyone.  It takes just one person to make that difference, so get out there and get started, got it?  Who cares about what other people think of you, you are doing this for Jesus, not for yourself.
6.) Be the hero that God made you to be.  Go and save one person's life or an abused or rejected animal's life.  Pets really are a person's best friend.  You just need to take that first step.
7.) What about saving those that are unsaved before it's too late?  Think of how much better the world would be by doing so.  Because of Jesus and his followers this world is a much better place to be.
8.) How great would it be that every last animal who has been abused, living on the streets, in foster homes, in shelters, been rejected year after year, is starving, etc. to be adopted?  That would make all of us animal lovers and Christians and Jesus incredibly happy, don't you agree?  You better! Keep looking up and keep your eyes on Jesus.
9.) How about all of the orphans all over the world will become adopted?  That would be a major blessing to Jesus and every last one of us in this evil, violent, and mean world.  That's what God wants, so make it happen! Start right here, right now! Go, do it! He's waiting.
10.)  How about doing your job with joy every day of your life no matter what that job is or how bad it is?  That's what God wants too.  We are here for a reason and that reason is to do everything you do with joy, be a cheerful giver,  stop being selfish, look around you and see how amazing this world really is.  God created it for us to enjoy it and not reject it, and make it gross.  We are to take care of here, not destroy it.  See what I mean here? I want you all to read this and then reflect on what I'm saying here and be the change that you want to see in this world.  Help someone, save an animal from being euthanized, give a random sum of money to someone who needs it more than you do,  become a good friend with someone who is lost and bring he or she closer to God,  call up a forgotten relative or an old friend and just say hi, write them an e-mail, take them out for coffee, just talk, write them an encouraging letter, do whatever you want for the good not the bad of this world.
Don't forget to do all of this according to God's will and with an open mind and a joyful heart.  God Bless and have a good day my fellow bloggers!  Keep praying and looking up!

p.s. Check out my other blog too: http://mymissionforfashion.blogspot.com/2013/11/fashionably-christian.html