Sunday, June 27, 2010
Nature and It's Beauty
Have you ever taken time to stop and smell the roses? Today as I was sitting outside with my parents and nephew a bit of inspiration struck me, so I decided to take some pictures of the flowers that my mom has in her garden. All of the pictures came out really well, and I'm very pleased with them all. At the end of this blog entry, I'll show you some of them. Anyway, I was reading this poem in a book today and I wanted to write about it in here. It is called "Clother of the Lily"
Clother of the lily, Feeder of the sparrow,
Father of the fatherless, dear Lord,
Tho' thou set me as mark against Thine arrow,
As a prey unto Thy sword,
As a ploughed-up field beneath Thy harrow,
As a captive in Thy cord,
Let that cord be love; and some day make my narrow
Hallowed bed according to Thy word. Amen
When I read this poem it made me start to think about nature and all of it's beauty that GOD made for us to enjoy each and every day of our lives. For example, when you look at a flower, doesn't it make your day much better? It makes mine brighter and happier. Something as simple as a flower can totally change the way your thinking and the way that your day has gone. I want you all to remember that if you think your having a bad day, someone else in this world is having the worst day ever. Something like a smile or anything really, can make that particular person's day much better. A little bit can go a long way. Every little thing helps. A card, a letter, a note, a picture, a smile, a flower,etc. It's always the thought that counts. Too many people in this world have negative attitudes towards everything and everyone and it's really depressing. Do you want to know how to make this world a better place? I've got the answer right here in this blog. The answer is to stop being so down and negative all the time, start thinking positive thoughts and ask GOD to help you because he will trust me. "GOD helps those who help themselves." "Ask and you shall receive." "If you give more then you'll receive more." So anyway, I took the time today to stop and smell the roses. We all need to really slow down and enjoy the peaceful times together. It's incredibly relaxing and it feels really good to do that. We all have busy lives and don't think that we have time for all the little things, well guess what? You need to make time to do that out of your busy schedules. Stop going so quickly and slow down a little. "Ride with the waves" so to speak. "Go with the flow" and start sowing the seeds because as soon as you do that, GOD will make the harvest bloom. If you do what GOD says and follow him completely, he'll take care of the rest. You all need to throw your hands up in the air and surrender all control to GOD. You all need to trust in GOD and let him do the work. After you do all that, your rewards will definitely be worth fighting and waiting for in the end. You'll be amazed at all the blessings that GOD pours out on you. Our GOD is a very merciful GOD. He's also an awesome GOD, a mighty GOD! What a Mighty GOD we Serve! He's a father for those who don't have a father, he clothes those who have no clothes, he feeds the hungry and helps the pour, he quenches those who are thirsty,he's a friend for the lost and lonely, he makes those who are weak much stronger, he wakes up those who are weary, he's there to talk when you need someone to talk to, he listens intently, he calms the anxious, he lets those who are tired, sleep, he protects and keeps safe, he is the king of kings and the Lord of the Lords, he's a shepherd to the flock, he reaches out to those who need him the most, and finally he loves each and every one of us unconditionally. He doesn't judge, he says "Come as you are." He accepts us all for who we are whether we're poor, rich, happy, sad,mad,glad, full of joy or full of sorrow, and he doesn't want us to hurt and suffer anymore. He wants us all to be happy and to be content with what we have. No matter how many difficult times that we go through, GOD is always there for us. He's not just going to drop us like a hot potato. He will be with us always and forever. We all just need to accept him and his works in each of our lives. I think that you'll all agree with me when I say " We Need GOD in America Again. Times are getting very tough, but these tough times won't always be with us, we won't always be suffering. Trust me, there are many better times ahead. A lot of the time we have to go through trials and tribulations, but in the end, everything will be worth it. "Put all of your trust in the LORD" He will not leave us nor forsake us. You just need to keep the faith and stay strong no matter what happens because once again, it's not always going to be like this, it seems like it will always be like this right now, but believe me it will not be like this forever. I'm going to say this again " Keep the faith, stay strong, and be persistent with GOD." For the second coming of the LORD is soon, so we all must be ready and prepare for it. He will come like a thief in the night. We all must be aware and really ready for GOD to make all things new again. Nobody knows the specific day or time that he is coming, so while we're waiting we all need to keep ourselves busy with doing what GOD wants us to do, and in the places that we go, and with all the people we meet. Let the light of the LORD shine from the inside out of you. Be the light for someone elses hard life. Help those in need. Be with us always. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ and we all need to work together to make this world a much happier place to live. GOD bless America now and Forever, AMEN!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Have you ever taken the time out of your day, to just sit back and reflect on everything that has happened to you in the past and present? I know I have. After I got out of work today, I spent the rest of the day with a very special person and we were just sitting by the pool and talking,but then there was silence and that's when I took the time to really reflect on everything and try to figure out How I got to this point in my life and I was wondering what to do next. I found myself wondering what this summer will bring and how it will be a lot different than last summer. My answer came to me and I said to myself, this summer is going to be the summer of new beginnings and good things happening not to just myself, but to everyone around me including mike (special someone), the Lord has something really big planned for mike and I and everyone else around us. I find myself getting excited and becoming more interested in what's going to happen. Also, as I was reflecting on things, mike popped in my mind, but that's nothing new because I'm always thinking of him and wondering if he was having the same thoughts that I was today, so that we can relate,but I didn't say anything, I wish I said something now though, I really wish that I did say something because mike could easily relate to me on the things that I was thinking of and that would have led to a really good conversation. It's quite obvious I still have strong feelings for mike, I'm just curious as to when things between mike and I will really start being put into place for us. Something is coming together for us, I Just don't know what it is or when it will happen. God is never late, God is never early, he's always on time. God's timing is really perfect. I just wish that I could like be inside God's mind and see what he has planned for us. Whatever it is, I bet it's really amazing and cool.
I wish I knew God's thought patterns, I really want to get to know the real Jesus and who he really was and still is today, I wish to gaze upon his face and actually be physically in his presence. I just think that it would really be so incredibly awesome and awe-inspiring and mind boggling. Oh how I dream of the day,I'll be seeing his face. I wonder if Mike ever feels the same way that I do about the real Jesus, I bet he does. God has blessed me richly and gave me mike as one of his own. Mike is like my guardian angel whose always looking over me and making sure that I do all the right things and make all the right decisions. But without GOD, mike wouldn't be able to help me do any of these things. Nothing is impossible with GOD on your side. GOD will help you fight the good fight whether alone, or not no matter what. Although, a lot of the time, you don't always see the good things and you don't always see the blessings, but trust me they're there. It may take a while to finally realize what this blessing is, but as soon as you realize it, it blows you away. It blows your mind. It really and truly does. GOD is awesome! I want GOD to open my heart and open my mind, and I want his presence in me so that I can be a blessing to everybody that I meet. I could change people's lives forever, I just wish I knew how to go about doing that. I don't know if it's through my writing, singing, talking, or reading, but what I do know is that no matter what GOD will use you in ways that you never knew existed before. I know that I've already changed Mike's life and Mike has already changed my life and even my little nephew, Eliot has changed my life. Mike and Eliot make me want to be a better person, a positive influence, a blessing, a light in somebody's life, etc.
They make me want to keep working hard at whatever it is that GOD has made me for, my place on this earth so to speak and even in heaven. What does GOD want to use me for? I have no answer to that, but I'm sure GOD does and he will tell me what exactly it is all on his time, I'll be sitting here praying and being persistent and waiting for my answer. Once I get that answer, I'll welcome it with a whole heart and singleness of my mind. "I can do all things through he who strengthens me." I'll be more than willing to do whatever it is that he wants me to do, hopefully with supporters and followers. Anyway, I hope that this blog doesn't confuse anyone, I just want to try and get my point across to people with as little confusion and frustration as possible. I'm just trying to reach out to people and make a really big difference in this world. I want people to understand where I'm coming from and what my point of view is. All I can say is to keep praying and being persistent with the Lord. If you stay persistent with him, then all good things will come your way even though you don't always see or understand what this certain good thing or things is yet. It may cause you to hurt, suffer, etc. But there's a reason for everything, there really is,please just trust in the Lord and in myself. In conclusion to all of this, I just want to say May God richly bless you, your family, your friends, your relationships and futures, and all the future children of God. Amen!
I wish I knew God's thought patterns, I really want to get to know the real Jesus and who he really was and still is today, I wish to gaze upon his face and actually be physically in his presence. I just think that it would really be so incredibly awesome and awe-inspiring and mind boggling. Oh how I dream of the day,I'll be seeing his face. I wonder if Mike ever feels the same way that I do about the real Jesus, I bet he does. God has blessed me richly and gave me mike as one of his own. Mike is like my guardian angel whose always looking over me and making sure that I do all the right things and make all the right decisions. But without GOD, mike wouldn't be able to help me do any of these things. Nothing is impossible with GOD on your side. GOD will help you fight the good fight whether alone, or not no matter what. Although, a lot of the time, you don't always see the good things and you don't always see the blessings, but trust me they're there. It may take a while to finally realize what this blessing is, but as soon as you realize it, it blows you away. It blows your mind. It really and truly does. GOD is awesome! I want GOD to open my heart and open my mind, and I want his presence in me so that I can be a blessing to everybody that I meet. I could change people's lives forever, I just wish I knew how to go about doing that. I don't know if it's through my writing, singing, talking, or reading, but what I do know is that no matter what GOD will use you in ways that you never knew existed before. I know that I've already changed Mike's life and Mike has already changed my life and even my little nephew, Eliot has changed my life. Mike and Eliot make me want to be a better person, a positive influence, a blessing, a light in somebody's life, etc.
They make me want to keep working hard at whatever it is that GOD has made me for, my place on this earth so to speak and even in heaven. What does GOD want to use me for? I have no answer to that, but I'm sure GOD does and he will tell me what exactly it is all on his time, I'll be sitting here praying and being persistent and waiting for my answer. Once I get that answer, I'll welcome it with a whole heart and singleness of my mind. "I can do all things through he who strengthens me." I'll be more than willing to do whatever it is that he wants me to do, hopefully with supporters and followers. Anyway, I hope that this blog doesn't confuse anyone, I just want to try and get my point across to people with as little confusion and frustration as possible. I'm just trying to reach out to people and make a really big difference in this world. I want people to understand where I'm coming from and what my point of view is. All I can say is to keep praying and being persistent with the Lord. If you stay persistent with him, then all good things will come your way even though you don't always see or understand what this certain good thing or things is yet. It may cause you to hurt, suffer, etc. But there's a reason for everything, there really is,please just trust in the Lord and in myself. In conclusion to all of this, I just want to say May God richly bless you, your family, your friends, your relationships and futures, and all the future children of God. Amen!
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