Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Wise Decisions
In other words, these verses are not a plea against generosity, but is against overextending one's financial resources and acting very irresponsibly, in ways that could easily lead to poverty. It is important to maintain a balance between generosity and good stewardship. God wants us to help our friends and the needy, but he does not promise to cover the costs of every single unwise commitments we all make. It is equally important to act responsibly so that our families do not have to suffer for it.
The main reason why I chose this bible verse was because of God of course, but also because I know a few people who haven't exactly made wise decisions on how to live their lives the way that God wants them too. There's this one person in particular who, I love and care about very much, who chooses to keep going back to her bad past decisions. Every time I see or hear what she's going through, it's absolutely killing me, and I wish that there was more I could say or do to help her make better choices. I've brought her to church and I post bible verses online every night for her to read, with hopes that she'll start changing her way of life, because the Lord and I both know that she deserves so much better than all this. She is truly a genuine,fun, loving person to be around, she's also beautiful, and she needs to see and know that about herself. Anyway, there's also another person who I know that hasn't exactly made wise choices about his way of life either. To see what he's going through, it breaks my heart, because I know that he deserves so much more than this way of life. He is such a good person, great personality, easy to talk to, loving, and affectionate. He deserves to be with a girl who has those same qualities as he does, but the truth is, a girl like that is very rare to find these days, because there are too many girls out there living their lives, hopelessly, and it really sucks and is so very sad. Because of these certain people, this world is very difficult to live in. They as well as the people that I mentioned above, really need to know how to slow down and to stop and think about what they're doing with themselves. They are basically destroying their lives, and that is not a good thing at all whatsoever, so they need to change immediately as well.
The sooner that these people change, the better off they'll all be with their lives. It is so sad to see these people walking around in complete darkness, not knowing what God has to offer them. God has so much to offer all of us, there are just a certain few people who are stubborn as all heck and they won't let God into their lives. Why do you think that I'm so persistent in posting all of these facebook statuses with bible verses every single night, before I go to bed? The reason is because I am trying so hard to reach out to others about what God has to offer them, so that I can pull them in closer to the Lord, the sooner they come to the Lord, the better all of their lives will be. Know what I mean? I sure hope so. I know that I'm a Christian, and that I shouldn't get so mad so easily but I think that I have every right to be when I see what someone I love and care about so much is going through. It is literally a living hell, and none of them deserve to go through this living hell, I speak of. I know what it's like because as I've said a million times before, I have been there and it sucks, I wish that I had come to God sooner rather than later. When I think about it, my life could have been so much better back then, if I had just come to Him sooner, but thank God that I'm came to God, when I did, because my life is so much better now than it ever was before all of that crap that I went through back then! I deserved so much better, and so do you all! You just need to admit to God that you need help, and he will make your life so much better than it is right now. This is Christmas, Jesus is the reason for this season, wonderful things happen when all women and men trust God. Just surrender all of your problems to God, and trust him, he will take care of you fully. Open up your hearts, minds, bodies, and souls to Him, Nothing is impossible with God on your side.
Well, what are you waiting for? Just do it, let God come into your life, and see the many blessings and miracles that he has to show you. Stop being so stubborn, and just do it. Can I get an Amen?!? Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with way more than I deserve, and please forgive me if I don't love it enough, am I right? I think so. May God Bless you all and Have a good night, Amen! Praise the Lord!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Suffering and Separation
In times of suffering people sometimes wish that they knew what the future will hold, or they wish that they could just understand what the actual reason is for anguish and suffering. I've felt like that many many times before, sometimes I still wonder what the reason is and what my future will hold. Anyway, back to the explanation of the above bible verse, Jesus knew what lied ahead of him, and he knew the exact reason why he went through what he went through. Even so, his struggle was very intense-more wrenching than any struggle we will ever have to face. What does it take to be able to say "thy will be done?" It takes full trust in God's plans, prayer, and obedience in every step you take to be shown the right way. Know what I mean? God has a plan for each one of us, just put your full trust in him and literally, "Thy will be done!" Ask and you shall receive, just as long as you ask God for what it really is that you want or need. This bible verse reminds me of a very good friend of mine who was just recently in a pretty bad accident, and who is now very limited to what he can do. I know that it's awful for me to say, but I honestly think that this is a blessing in disguise, because it's God's way of saying to him, "slow down, wake up, come to me, and I will change your life radically." I wasn't exactly in any bad accident, but the way I used to be was my wake up call to slow down and to come to him, and letting him take over my life. As soon as I gave full control to God, my life really did and will continue to change radically. I'm the happiest that I've ever been in pretty much my entire life. God is good all the time, all the time God is good, so Amen to that! Now, this leads me to my next bible verse, which is Ephesians 5:20: "giving thanks always for all things unto God and the father in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ."
In other words, it means that when you feel down, you may find it really difficult to give thanks to him. Take heart-God works all things out for good if we love him and are fitting into his plans, not our plans, his plans. Thank God, not for your problems but for the strength that he is building in you through the difficult experiences of your life. You can be sure that God's perfect love will see you through everything no matter what happens. I 100% agree with that statement, I wrote about above. It's basically telling all of us that no matter how difficult things get, God will always be there for you, carrying you through all the good times and bad ones too. You need to learn how to be thankful and praise God that your still alive and that nothing else more serious has happened to you. That's what I did, and my life is so much better now that I've accepted Jesus, as my light and savior. He's not a crutch to lean on so to speak, he is the perfect example of how we all should be living our lives. We need to learn how to be more like Jesus, and the only way to learn that is for you to go to church, read the bible, pray, listen, and start living your life the way that God wants you to live your life, and not living your life the way that you want to live your life. You have to have a life similar to Jesus' life, before he ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of God, the father almighty. Yes, we're not perfect, but God doesn't expect any of us to be perfect, he just wants us to live our lives according to his plans, not ours. It's always on his time, not on our time. In a sense, we are perfect, because God made us in his image. God does work all things out for good, it just takes a lot of time, before he unveils the answers to us about our anguish, pain, suffering, and separation. All you need to do is hang in there, stay strong, stand firm, and let nothing or no one move you. Be like Jesus, act like Jesus, the sooner that you do, the better you'll feel and your life will be. You need to keep praying and listening, and do what God wants you to do. Amen?!?! Yes, Amen indeed! Thank you, Lord, I love you, Amen!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Lack of Faith
Jesus did few miracles in his hometown "because of their unbelief." Lack of faith blinds people to the truth and robs them of hope. These people missed the Messiah. How does your faith measure up? If you can't see God's work, perhaps it is because of your unbelief. Now, I couldn't agree more with that written statement because there was many times before where I was blinded by my disbelief and couldn't see or do what God wanted me to do back then, but then I came to God a few years later and my blinders were taken off and I could see almost everything, but still to this day, I feel like i'm still blinded by certain things. So, what I do is keep reading all of my devotionals and keep praying to God, so that I will no longer be blinded. I want to be able to see everything that God has planned for me, but sadly, I cannot. But then again, if God showed me everything that he has planned for me, then there would be absolutely no point in reading devotionals and talking to God about the devotionals and things in general.
Without God, none of this would be possible, and also without God, none of us would be here today talking about him and fighting for him with other Christians, and to reach out to those who aren't Christians yet, but can be as soon as possible. They all just need to stop being so stubborn and they need to let God come completely into all of their lives and give him all the control. The sooner that they give up all of their control, the better off they will all be,and they will no longer be blinded by all of their stupid disbelief about God. They need a serious reality check and they need to look and depend on God for every little thing that goes on in all of their lives, no matter how good or bad it might be. No matter how bad or difficult things might get, they need to rely on God and look at him with faithful eyes. It is just so sad to me, to see other people walking around here acting like they have no hope,and that they act as if there is no God. There are so many times where I have been so tempted to get out of the car and smack them upside the head to help make them realize that there's more to life than just walking around and feeling hopeless,and lonely. I've been there before and trust me, it wasn't fun. It was horrible!
There were so many days that I've woken up and said to myself, "man, this day is going to suck, God help me!" Know what I mean? Sometimes I still have days like that,and wish that I could stay in bed all day and sleep, but God wouldn't let me sleep, he wanted me to get up and out to preach the good news about God to all of the others who are feeling sad and hopeless, just like I once was. But God has changed my life for the better and I can only hope and pray that others lives will be touched and changed by God, like mine has been. Thank you,Lord, I love you, Amen! Goodnight and God bless all!
Monday, May 16, 2011
I'm going to start off this blog with a bible verse and then after the bible verse is posted, I'm going to share with you all, my thoughts and reflections on that bible verse. Here's the bible verse: " Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to our sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls." ~1 Peter 3: 24-25.
Now my thoughts and reflections on the above bible verse are probably the exact opposite of what the thoughts and reflections really are. Lately I've been looking back to my terribly bad past and then looking ahead to my much better present life and I've been comparing the two and I've come to the conclusion that I haven't really changed much at all and that's because some days I wake up feeling hopeless and depressed because of the stupid things that I still do now at this very present moment just like I did back then. For example, I still can't say no to certain temptations that I'm still facing today with a certain person, and it's the absolute worst feeling in the entire world. Today, resisting all of those temptations is harder than ever. In my mind, I keep thinking that God is still very displeased with me and that I'm not going to heaven to spend my eternal life with God and that since I keep messing up, I will never be able to go to heaven like I want and am hoping to go when I die. God, please forgive me for I have sinned against you in my own thoughts, words, deeds, & heart's desires. Lord, I really don't want to go to hell, please Lord don't make me go to hell,I don't belong there Lord, I belong in heaven with you Lord. Lord, what else can I do for you to make sure that I'm going to heaven,where I belong?
Lord, life down here on earth is so difficult , & I don't want to be here any longer. Lord, I just want to be with you & not with Satan, because he'll make my life an even more living hell than it already is right now at this very moment. As a matter of fact, Lord, I want Satan to be away from me and out of my life forever. Lord,Satan is really bad news for all of us, please Lord, Make Satan disappear from all of our lives completely and permanently. Lord, please please help us all to be better followers,better obeyers, and better listeners for you oh Lord. Help us to always come back to you Lord, after we've messed everything up time and time again. Lord, these things need to stop ASAP! Starting right here and right now. Please help us to keep on going and moving forward with our lives no matter what, in a happy, healthy, positive way. Please help us to stand firm & to let absolutely nothing move us, so that we have more time to spend with good friends and family more often than not. Please let our yes be yes and no be no. Please Lord, help us to not fall anymore for anyone or anything. Help us to just fall for you, Lord. Lord, please help us to stay strong and to be confident in knowing that you have a plan for us, but before you reveal the plan to us, we need to let you be in complete and total control of our lives, so that none of us need to worry about anything anymore. Lord, we are the broken and you are the healer, you are the potter, we are the clay. Please mold us and make us into who and what you want us to be. Thank you for everything Lord, we love you, Amen."
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
How Many of us Really Love Jesus?
In verses 2-5 it says this " By whom also we have access by faith into His grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the Glory of God. And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost which is given unto us." In other words, faith, hope,and love are at the heart of your christian life. Our relationship with God begins with faith, which can help us realize that we are delivered from our past by Christ's death. Hope grows as we learn all that God has in mind for us; it gives us the promise of the future. And God's love fills our lives and gives us the ability to reach out to others and pull them in closer toward the Lord, because whether they know it or not, they desperately need the Lord. This whole entire world needs the Lord, this world is like a living hell. None of us want to be here any longer, this world is just a big, sad mess and it needs major help from the Lord. None of us even belong down here on this world, we belong in God's world which is probably full of love and happiness and ya know what? I can't wait until I get to go there sometime soon. God is not finished with me yet down here on earth, He put me here to try and help out others by pulling them in closer to the Lord and I've been trying, and let me tell ya, it isn't an easy task at all. It's a major pain in the butt, but I do it anyway because that is what the Lord wants me to do with my time down here on earth.
In verses 3-4 it says that for first century christians, suffering was the rule rather than the exception. Paul tells us that in the future we will become, but until then we must overcome. To overcome means that all of these experiences that we're going through may be difficult but it's the difficulties that help us grow. "Glory in tribulations" means to rejoice in suffering. We rejoice in suffering, not because we like pain or deny it's tragedy, but because we know God is using your life's difficulties and Satan's attacks to build your character. The problems that we face will develop into our patience- which in turn will strengthen our character, deepen our trust in God, and give us greater confidence about the future. You probably find your patience being tested in some way every single day of your lives. You should be thanking God for those opportunities to grow, and deal with in his strength. None of us know what the future holds, but when we get to the future it will be the best thing that has ever happened to us' and I am very excited to see what the future holds not only for myself, but for my family,friends,job situations,our church, etc. It's actually really cool to think about. So for your own good please stop dwelling about your past and help God and yourself with your future. The future is yours, so lets make it happen! I am ready, are you?
In verses 5-6, it's saying this: " and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost which is given unto us. For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for us the ungodly." In other words it's saying that All three members of the Trinity are involved in salvation. The Father loved us so much that he sent His son to bridge the Gap between us. The Father and the Son send the Holy Spirit to fill our lives with love and to enable us to live by His power. With all this loving care, how can we do less than serve Him completely! We were helpless because we could do nothing on our own to save our lives. So,someone had to come and put a complete stop to it. Christ came at exactly the right time in history-according to God's own schedule. God controls all of history, and he controlled the timing, method,and events that surrounded Jesus' death. God's timing is always perfect, so we need to be patient, even though a lot of the time none of us have patience to deal with anything. I've had my fair share of dealing with rude people,and quite frankly, I'm sick of dealing with rude people, they just completely ruin my day. There are some days when I just want to scream and set certain people straight, but I don't because I know that God is taking care of them and their own lives. So, God is telling me to stop looking at other people's lives and start looking at my own, and do something about it. I go out on a limb to help people out, but I barely receive anything in return, so I wonder why I even bother with things like that. It's clearly pointless and I shouldn't ever expect anything in return,even though I do a lot of the time, but I shouldn't. I just need to stop with it and start focusing on my God,my family, and myself. It's just not worth it for me to keep dealing with other people's crap. Enough is enough! Time to move on! I am done!
In verses 8-11 it's saying this: " But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement." In different words it's telling us that God sent Jesus Christ to die for us, not because we were good enough, but because He loved us so incredibly much. Whenever you feel uncertain about God's love for you, remember that He loved you way before you even turned to Him. The love that caused Christ to die is the same love that sends the Holy Spirit to live in us and guide us every single day. The power that raised Christ from the dead is the same power that saved you and is available to you in your daily life. Be assured that, having begun a life with Christ, you have a reserve of power and love to call on each day for help to meet every challenge or trial that you might have to face. You can pray for God's strength and love as you need it. God is holy, and He will not be associated with sin. All people are sinful, and all sin deserves punishment. But instead of punishing us with the death that we deserve, however, Christ took our sins upon himself and paid the price for them with His own death. Now we can "joy in God." Through faith in His work, we become His friends rather than being His enemies and outcasts.
A lot of the time I question God's love for me, even though I really shouldn't. But every time I'm questioning God's love, I always end up praying and talking to Him about my feelings for all the crap that I've done and how He always makes me feel better and comforted by just being in His presence and becoming good friends with Him. He's my heavenly father and he's like my best friend. I just wish that more people would come to Christ and be good friends with Him just like I am and several others are. The sooner the people do that, the better off they'll all be. It's definitely worth it, so just take that first step and do it! The first step is always the hardest, but the sooner that you take that first step, the much happier this world will be. Don't be afraid, just do it, he's ready and waiting. I want you all to know that no matter how big your problems are, God can handle it. He's working in you all as we speak. Stop living in the darkness and come into the beautiful light of the Lord, you'll be glad that you did. To conclude this blog entry, I just want to say a quick prayer to God, will you all please join me? "Dear God, thank you for all that you've done and will continue to do, please bring peace,serenity,joy,love, and happiness into the people's lives that need it most, help them to rejoice in you and turn away from their old ways,and let them be content with what they have and not wanting more. They should want more of you, God, not more of anything else. Please help them to rid them of their selves and help them to do good and be good,please be with those who don't know you yet and pull them in closer to you, so that they can have this amazing relationship with you, like I do and my church does. Thank you,Lord, I love you, Amen." Well goodnight and May God bless you all.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Doing Good
Sunday, February 20, 2011
My Sermon
What’s The Next Step?
John 6; 28-40
Good morning everyone,
I was just reading John 6; 28-40 and it really made me think about what our next step is as a congregation. Verses 28 and 29 are talking about how many sincere seekers there are for God, and that are puzzled about what he wants all of them to do, and sadly all the other religions of this world are certain people’s attempts to answer this question: “What is the next step?” “Where do we go from here?” Jesus’ reply is very brief and simple: We must believe in the person that God has sent to us whether it is a boy or girl because Jesus was the one whom God sent to us to know his truth and what he’s talking about. We are trying to pull people in closer to Jesus, not scare them away. We want as many people saved as possible, because hell is very hot and I’m pretty sure that nobody wants to go there. It’s awful. I know that I wouldn’t want to go there; I’d rather be with Jesus and not Satan. I prefer to live my life the way that God wants me to live it, no matter how difficult any of the tasks are. I will do what his will is for me. I am not scared, because I know that Jesus is always with me whether it is day or night. He’s the one who raises me up, when I am down. He is my shoulder to cry on. Because of the Lord, I am strong and can do anything with God on my side. He’s the one that’s fighting the war for us. In addition to this, satisfying God does not come from the work that we do, but from whom we believe in. The first step involves accepting that Jesus is exactly who he says he is. All of our spiritual development is built on this very affirmation. We all must declare in a prayer to Jesus, “You are the Christ, the son of the living God,” and embark on a life of belief that is satisfying to your Creator!
Verse 35 is saying that the people eat the bread to satisfy their physical hunger and to sustain their physical life. We can satisfy our spiritual hunger and sustain spiritual life only by the right relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. It’s no wonder he calls himself the bread of life. But the bread must be eaten to give life, and Christ must be invited into our daily walk in order to give us our spiritual life. I don’t know about you all, but I am very glad that I’ve let Jesus into my life. To me it seems easier when we have the Lord in our lives. He’s the one who makes our lives breathable every single day, no matter how difficult the day turns out to be. I’ve had my fair share of very trying days, as I’m sure you all have experienced those days as well. Nobody ever said that following Jesus would be easy. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy, trust me, I know from experience. When we make mistakes we just need to make sure that we learn from them and try not to do it again. As a matter of fact, we should stay far away from that, it just leads us to much more trouble than we need to be in. God wants us to stay on the path to righteousness, so that we don’t suffer for all eternity. Verses 37 and 38 are saying that Jesus did not work independently of God; instead he works in union with God. This gives us even more reason to be assured that we are more than welcome to be invited into his holy presence and to be protected by him and only him always, for the rest of our lives. Jesus’ purpose was to do the will of God, and not to satisfy our own human desires. When we follow Jesus and only Jesus, we should have the same exact purpose for being down here on earth. Jesus was the one who put us all here in the first place and that reason is to fulfill his purposes only. We do not belong to this place; we belong to Jesus and only Jesus. We are heirs to his kingdom in heaven, but first we need to have our lives centered on Jesus and only Jesus. We need to resist all of our temptations as humans and do what is pleasing to Jesus, even though it may be difficult at times, but when it’s done with, it will be more than worth it, believe me, I’ve gone through a lot to get where I am today in my walk with Jesus. Jesus has completely changed my life forever. It is amazing to me how Jesus can change someone or something so much in a matter of days, hours, months, and even years. Our God is an Awesome God! He’s always working behind the scenes in each of our lives, even though some of us don’t see it yet, but you will, it just takes time, everything takes time. It is not on our time, but on Jesus’ time for things to begin to unravel for the future. You just need to have faith and to have full trust in God; after you do that, God will take care of the rest. Remember: “He is for us and not against us.” “With God on our side, nothing is impossible.” “If God is for us, then who can be against us?”
Verse 39 is telling us that Jesus said he would not lose even one person that the father has given to him. We are his sheep and he is our shepherd. We must always stay near him and never drift away from him. For anyone who makes a sincere commitment to believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior will be secure in all of God’s promises for our eternal lives that will hopefully be spent with him in heaven where we’re all supposed to belong, but sadly some of us don’t belong there, we belong elsewhere and it isn’t pleasant, trust me. I feel like throughout my life I’ve been there, and sometimes I still feel like I’m there. However, these are only minor stepping stones to get where you’d actually rather be. Our life down here is only temporary, and although a lot of the time we feel as if it’s permanent, it’s not, believes me. Also a lot of the time I feel like the world is against me, even though it’s not. It feels as if the weight of the whole world is on your shoulders, but it’s not. The truth is, the entire weight of the world is on God’s shoulders, not ours. That is why we have to keep putting the weight back on his shoulders, because we tend to want to take the weight of the world on ourselves and we can’t handle it. But please don’t fret because God is already working on making this world a better place to be in. He’s working on it as we speak. So stop worrying, and know that God has already taken care of it. Anyway, Christ will not let his people be overcome by Satan and let them lose all of their salvation. Verse 40 says that those who put all of their faith in Jesus will be resurrected from physical death to your eternal life with God when Christ comes again and it will be soon. So, we all have to be ready and prepared for his arrival. He will come like a thief in the night, so be aware of all your surroundings. He can come at any moment of any day. Now is the time for us to put all of our differences aside and work together as a church family pulling more and more people in closer to God. They need to know that Jesus loves them and doesn’t want them to suffer any more than they already are. It is not too late to come to know God. “Come to me all you who are weary.” He’s ready and waiting, so come on don’t let anything or anyone stop you. You can do it. “I can do all things through he who strengthens me.” “We all must walk by faith, and not by sight.” In conclusion, I believe, with my whole heart, that everyone can believe in God and Jesus, if they choose to let Him into their hearts, minds, bodies, and souls. I see the proof of our work in every new person that joins our congregation with an open mind and an open heart. Jesus can and will perform miracles every day, and I believe that if we believe in him wholeheartedly, that our congregation will grow by leaps and bounds, and with that our vision to spread the word of Jesus far and wide will be realized. May God bless you all, and Have a good day. Amen!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Heart Break and Worry
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Why Does Life and Love Have to be so Complicated?
~Emily j. Pica