Monday, June 10, 2013

Three Questions

1.) Who are you letting determine how you act?

2.) Are you a scorner or a wise person?

3.) Do you really want to be wise?

    While I was reading my devotional last night, these 3 questions were brought to my attention and made me really think, so I did.  Then I prayed about them all, and The Lord answered them with these 3 following Bible Verses: "Are you a scorner or a wise person? You can tell by the way you respond to criticism.  Instead of tossing back a quick put-down or clever retort when rebuked, listen to what is being said.  Learn from your critics; this is the exact path to wisdom.  Wisdom begins with knowing God.  He gives insight into living because he created life.  To know God is not to just know the facts about Him, but to stand in awe of Him and have a relationship with Him.  Do you really want to be wise? Get to know God better and better."  That was from Proverbs 9:7-10.  Now, my answers to these three above questions were the exact opposite of what the Bible says.  For example, Who am I letting determine how I act?  My answer was, "Everyone around me, including the people that I work with, and certain customers."  I know that I shouldn't let anybody change my mood no matter what the situation is, but it does, I need to learn how to be wise, and to stand firm in my moods and the way that I act sometimes.  Nobody ever has a good day everyday, me especially, but you should learn how to act happy with the job that you have, no matter how much you hate it on particular days, I'm trying to be and act happy, but it's really not easy, I'm sure that everyone can relate to how I'm feeling about this, especially if you've worked in retail before, or still working there.  Being in retail is definitely not an easy job, but we should be thankful that we even have a job right now, because there are so many people out there who would kill to work in retail, even though it doesn't pay them that much, but so many people would kill to be getting that much money, no matter how little the amount may be, know what I mean?  

         Example number two is this: Are you a scorner or a wise person?  My answer was this, "I want to be a wise person, not a scorner, and finally, number three is this: Do you really want to be wise? My answer was this: "Yes, I do."  Here's Bible Verse number two: "The wisdom that we need has three distinct characteristics: (1) It is practical.  The wisdom from God relates to your life even during the most trying times.  It is not a wisdom isolated from suffering and trials.  This wisdom is the tool by which trials are overcome.  An intelligent person may have profound ideas, but a wise person puts profound ideas into action.  Intelligence will allow someone to describe several reasons why the car broke down.  The wise person chooses the most likely reason and proceeds to take action.  (2) It is divine.  God's wisdom goes beyond common sense.  Common sense does not lead us to choose joy in the middle of trials.  This wisdom begins with respect for God, leads to living by God's direction, and results in the ability to tell right from wrong.  It is a wisdom that James will describe at length in Chapter 3.  (3) It is Christlike.  Asking for wisdom is ultimately asking to be like Christ as the "wisdom of God" (1 Corinthians 1:24; 2:1-7).  "By "wisdom," James is talking not only about knowledge, but about the ability to make wise decisions in difficult circumstances.  Whenever we need wisdom, we can pray to God and he will supply exactly what we need.  Christians never need to grope about it in the dark, hoping to stumble upon answers.  We can ask for God's wisdom to guide our choices."  ~James 1:5.  My thoughts and reflections on the above Bible Verse will be this: I've had my fair share of trials and tribulations in the past, and even now.  For example, I'm struggling so badly trying to find another job that will promise me 22 hours a week, that I'm about ready to just give up, but I know that I can't, because God has a plan for me, and he's never given up on me, even in the toughest of times.  I'm so unhappy with my job that I wish I could just quit, but I can't because I have bills to pay, and a future to plan for, Lord, please help, that's all I can say right now, Amen. Anyway, the last and final Bible Verse is this: "Many believers want more of God's kindness ("grace") and peace, but they are unwilling to put forth the effort to get to know Him better through Bible study and prayer.  To enjoy the privileges God offers us freely, we must grow in our knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord."  ~2 Peter 1:2.  "The power to lead a godly life doesn't come from within us, but from God.  Because we don't have the resources to live full of "glory and virtue", God makes us "partakers of the divine nature" to keep us from sin and help us to live for Him.  When we are born again, God by his Spirit empowers us with his own goodness." ~2 Peter 1:3-4.  I'm sorry about all of these Bible Verses, but it is the answer to those questions that I started with in the beginning of this blog, I hope that you all read this, and ask yourselves those same questions, and see what your answers are and so are God's.  That's what I did, and I came up with all of this.  Anyway, my thoughts and reflections on the previous Bible Verse up above are this: when I was born again, I've never felt so better in my entire life than that very day, when I rose up out of that water.  I felt like a whole new person after that had happened, I can only hope and pray that I continue to act like that new person, from that memorable day.  However, since then, a lot of changes has happened in my life, not job wise of course, but in other parts of my life, like Derek for example, he has turned out to be the perfect guy for me, even though we have our arguments and disagreements sometimes, but in the end, we still love each other, and work through it every single day, at least we try to work on it every single day.  

   Life never has been and never will be easy, even with Jesus on your side, life still isn't easy, but it's bearable.  God is constantly putting us through a testing period, and it's only because he loves us so much, and he wants to continue to make our faith and relationship much stronger with Him, that's all he wants, he wants a closer and more intimate relationship with you, you just have to want to become closer to Him.  How awesome would it be for you to actually sit on Jesus' lap and talk to Him face to face?  It would be absolutely amazing, wouldn't it be? I sure think so! Amen!  
(This was written by Joyce Meyer.)