Thursday, May 28, 2015


   "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, and A time to die; A time to plant, and A time to pluck what is planted; A time to kill, and A time to heal; A time to break down, and A time to build up; A time to weep, and A time to laugh; A time to mourn, and A time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and A time to gather stones; A time to embrace, and A time to refrain from embracing; A time to gain, and A time to lose; A time to keep, and A time to throw away; A time to tear, and A time to sow; A time to keep silence, and A time to speak; A time to love, and A time to hate; A time of war, and A time of peace." ~Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.
     Is anyone else struggling at the moment just like I am? If the answer is yes, then please come and join with me as I go to write and pray about the experiences that I'm currently having.  I feel like I'm struggling because I am trying to start a whole new ministry and a whole new young women's group and I gotta tell ya that it has incredibly difficult for me to do thus far, especially because I'm not one to go out and talk to complete strangers about this new group that I intend to start at my church.  I'm what you would call, "anti-social" and "Socially Awkward."  Lately, I have been getting the word out about this new group, and I'm also in a lot of prayer about it recently.  It seems like every time a person from the church, asks me about the Young Women's Group, I tend to get aggravated and annoyed.  Then in my own head, I'm questioning if I should even bother doing this thing in the first place.  I'm trying pretty hard to get this group up and running, and soon.  I don't really know what's going on at this moment and especially in regards to this group.  Maybe I'm just not ready for this yet.  But I am hopeful and optimistic about it in the near future.
     The reason why I wanted to start this group in the first place is because I feel in my heart that God is calling me to do this for Him and I cannot disobey Him.  Another reason for starting this new group is because I was a teenager once and I know how life was like back then.  It was never easy for me because I've always tried to fit in with the others and it just never worked out that way for me.  I want to be a good, strong, Christian role model for all of those girls out there who were not really raised in a Christian home like I always was.  These young women need to know that God loves them and that they are not alone in this fight.  They need to feel accepted, loved, and empowered in this otherwise challenging and unforgiving world. 
   Both God and I do not want any one of them to suffer like I did in the past.  These young women could be the ones who make a really big difference in this world, just like God wants them to do.  The smallest act of kindness can instantly change this world around and reach out to those who are lost and unsaved.  How great would it be to see the lost come to God? There are times when I just want to give all of this up, but I know and trust that in God, all of this struggling, will be worth all of the fighting for what is right in the end.  But we need to get to that point first and foremost before anything else can happen. 
    Yes, it is a monumental task, but you just need to remember that, "With God all things are possible."  Amen? Let's join together and say a prayer to conclude this blog entry. 
      "Father, how grateful I am for Your Holy Spirit's work and Your precious Word, both of which You use to set me free from my pain and suffering.  Thank You for always loving me and never giving up on me.  It is a great comfort to know You will never leave or forsake me.  You know the wounds of rejection that have marred my heart.  You know how useless, helpless, and worthless I feel when yet another person casts me away.  So many of these feelings originated long ago and have deep roots.  But I am grateful for how You have set me free from these feelings; how You have given me a sense of belonging in Your eternal, heavenly, family as Your own child; how You have blessed me with a sense of worth through Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection, and how You have empowered me to accomplish all You call me to through Your indwelling Holy Spirit.
    "Father, I know I must make a decision-either I can believe what others have spoken about me, or I can trust what You say about my character and future.  I know what You say counts in eternity, Lord, so I choose to listen to You.  Thank You for Your unfailing love and for creating me with a good plan and purpose.  Help me to keep my eyes on You.  In Jesus' name I pray, Amen." (The Prayer that is in this blog is written By Charles Stanley in his prayer cards.)

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